Arabidopsis information on the World Wide Web
Informatics and Stock Centers
AtDB at Stanford
The central Arabidopsis database
Arabidopsis EST analysis database at the Univ. of Minnesota
Arabidopsis Genome Resource
Includes the Lister and Dean RI maps curated by Mary Anderson.
Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock
The WWW server carries detailed information about seed stocks,
how to grow and store Arabidopsis, the control of
pests and diseases, as well as information about the other Arabidopsis
Centres. You may also register your name, and order stocks entirely through
the web.
The stock ordering and information center for the ABRC
(Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center at Ohio State Univ.). With order histories
Lehle Seeds
With an extensive list of Principle Investigator Home Pages
Map / Genetics links
Additional Links
Agricultural Genome Information Server
Net Plant Gene Arabidopsis DNA splice site predictor
GenQuest and Grail sequence analysis
GenBank and the National Center for Biotechnology Information
NIH Computational Molecular Biology